Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kamasutra girl leaves behind the pornstar stigma

Kamasutra girl leaves behind the pornstar stigma

One bold role at the very beginning of her acting career gave Indira Varma the wrong image of a porn-star.

This English beauty began her acting career with Mira Nair’s movie ‘Kamasutra: A Tale of Love’ in which she gave several nude scenes. But when she signed the film, Varma says, she did not know that the movie required nudity.

In a recent interview to the UK’s Telegraph, Indira said she was too naïve at that time to realize what she was getting into.

"It wasn't called Kama Sutra when we were filming it…It was untitled. And then it says in the script, 'They make love', when you're young and naive and stupid you don't process the idea that it will take one day with your kit off to shoot that sentence," Indira is quoted as saying.

"I remember phoning home crying and my dad saying, 'Don't worry, at least there's no sex in it'," Indira told Telegraph.

‘Kamasutra’, Varma opines, stalled her career because it fixed her in the slot of Asian actresses. And the worst part was that many people thought that she was a porn star.

But Indira, who had an Indian father, has now left the stigma behind. Over the years she has done notable roles in films like ‘Jinnah’, Bride and Prejudice , ‘Basic Instinct 2’ and TV series ‘Rome’.

Presently, Indira is busy in a British theatrical production called ‘The Vertical Hour’ by acclaimed playwright David Hare. It is a controversial play that questions the morality of Iraq war waged by the American president George W. Bush.