Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rahul Bose: Shaurya is about having the wisdom

Rahul Bose: Shaurya is about having the wisdom

For me SHAURYA is first of all, about having the wisdom and the depth to actually fix yourself a set of moral values you would like to live your life by. A set of moral values like justice, equality, truth, non-violence, compassion, love... Values, which you have the courage to follow and never deviate from, no matter what you do in your life.

This requires a lot of guts because a lot of times you will want to do things that don't match up to your standards or are not in keeping with the values you have set for yourself. And you will need to have the resolve say no...But what you must realize is that it is important for you to live up to these intangible standards you have set for your self. As in, it's important for you to be true to yourself before anyone else!