Sunday, January 27, 2008

Solo? So long, Rimmi Sen

Solo? So long, Rimmi Sen

Rimmi Sen likes to be the centre of attention. This was obvious yesterday, when she refused to pose for pictures at a Country Club press conference with actresses Neha Dhupia, Amrita Arora and Aarti Chhabria. Why? Because she didn’t like being ‘clubbed’ with the rest.

Says an onlooker, “The press conference for Darlings Day Out — a post Valentine’s Day celebration (to be held on February 17) all over the country had each actress revealing a city. Tanushree Dutta, Malaika Arora, Ishaa Koppikar, Aarti Chhabria, Amrita Arora, Neha Dhupia, and Rimmi Sen made up the list. At the press conference, only Aarti, Amrita, Neha and Rimmi showed up. It was slated for 1 pm but Rimmi came in at 1.30. Initially, there was to be a photo-op between all the actresses but Rimmi told the organiser that she would only pose for a solo pics as she came for the event thinking she’d be the only actress there!”


That wasn’t all. The source adds, “The other actresses were in shock! Rimmi just wanted to hog the entire limelight. Rimmi succeeded in getting her solo pictures clicked and excused herself to go the washroom just as the PC was about to start. By the time the other actresses went to the VIP room that was connected to the podium, Rimmi had staged a walk-out! She was so